158 research outputs found

    Evolution of humanoid robot and contribution of various countries in advancing the research and development of the platform

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    A human like autonomous robot which is capable to adapt itself with the changing of its environment and continue to reach its goal is considered as Humanoid Robot. These characteristics differs the Android from the other kind of robots. In recent years there has been much progress in the development of Humanoid and still there are a lot of scopes in this field. A number of research groups are interested in this area and trying to design and develop a various platforms of Humanoid based on mechanical and biological concept. Many researchers focus on the designing of lower torso to make the Robot navigating as like as a normal human being do. Designing the lower torso which includes west, hip, knee, ankle and toe, is the more complex and more challenging task. Upper torso design is another complex but interesting task that includes the design of arms and neck. Analysis of walking gait, optimal control of multiple motors or other actuators, controlling the Degree of Freedom (DOF), adaptability control and intelligence are also the challenging tasks to make a Humanoid to behave like a human. Basically research on this field combines a variety of disciplines which make it more thought-provoking area in Mechatronics Engineering. In this paper a various platforms for Humanoid Robot development are identified and described based on the evolutionary research on robotics. The paper also depicts a virtual map of humanoid platform development from the ancient time to present time. It is very important and effective to analyze the development phases of androids because of its Business, Educational and Research value. Basic comparisons between the different designs of Humanoid Structures are also analyzed in this paper. ยฉICROS

    Educational features of Malaysian robot contest

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    The educational experiences from robot contest of entry, junior and advance level are presented based on guided constructionism approach in education that combines hands on guidance with hands-on experience. The aim of the competition as a whole are to allow the student to (i) conceptualise the robot (ii) manage the non-deterministic characteristic of the environment and (iii)manage integrated hardware and software development projects. Indeed with this knowledge the student should be able to win a number of international robot tournaments

    The contribution of Ibn al-Baitar in medicine

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    The objective of this chapter is to review the contributions of Ibn AI-Baitar on the subject of p1edicine. The importance of this study is intended for the people to appreciate the value of many discoveries and works done by Muslim's scientists during the historical age for instance the exploration of Ibn AI-Baitar on discovering various plants and medicines. The methodology adopted in this chapter is a web based study by searching through several books and articles discussing on ancient Islamic medicine and learn about the contributions of early Muslim's scientists on medicine. The research framework for this chapter is mainly by examine the basic features of Ibn AI-Baitar's works and contributions in the course of medicine and presents it in this chapte

    Fazlur Rahman Khan's understanding of tube structural system of skyscrapes

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    The principal objective of this chapter is to discuss about contributions of Fazlur Rahman Khan, towards construction of skyscrapers. His innovations, namely frammed tube, trussed tube and bundled tube, had led to significant improvement on structural efficiency and made the construction of tall buildings economically viable. The chapter will also investigate on the improvement of structural system using Khan's innovation and its impacts on construction of current generation skyscrapers. Research methodologies used are book referencing, internet searching and journals referencing. Fazlur Rahman Khan was a structural engineer, renowned for his designs of structural systems in the second half of the 20th century, which then remain fundamental to all skyscrapers todate. He was born in 1929, in Dhaka, Bengal now Bangladesh

    The contribution of Ibn Sahl in refraction of light

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    The methodology adopted in this chapter is library based research and data is collected from reliable sources. This chapter investigates Ibn Sahl work in refraction of light. The main focus ofthe chapter to provide answers on Ibn Sahl analysis ofrefraction oflight and parabolic mirror, Biconvex lenses. The chapter argues that Ibn Sahl was the first Muslim who put the first law of refraction of light not Snell's. The significance of this chapter is the revelation of Ibn Sahl effort in the study of one the most essential things in our life; refraction of ligh

    Contributions of Ibn-Sina in pharmaceutical sciences

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    This chapter investigates about the contribution ofIbn-Sina in pharmaceutical sciences. Ibn-Sina was the most famous physician, philosopher, encyclopaedist, mathematician and astronomer at his time. The objective of this chapter is to investigate the contribution of Ibn-Sina in pharmaceutical sciences through his book; The Canon of Medicine. Ibn-Sina is chosen among Muslims Scientists because of these reasons: Ibn-Sina is a simply best represents the Iranian-Islamic scientific culture and medicine in history and he is a well recognized and respected in science and medicine throughout the world. The methodology adopted in this chapter is library based research and data is collected from reliable sources such as articles, journals and books. This chapter explores the findings of Ibn-Sina that using different methods of medications and treatment in pharmaceutical science

    A success journey of Mehmet Oz in cardiothoracic surgery

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    Muslim scientists have a lot of contributions in many areas such as medical, engineering, pharmaceutical and architectural. Many do not fully appreciate the numerous scientific contributions Islamic civilization and the early Muslims made. From the reality, the Muslim youth generations were raised by Western scientific ideological and not instill their thinking with the achievement by Muslim scientist. The pioneer in medical field such as Ibn Sina, AI-Kind, AI-Zahrawi, are the famous name in the early area. As far as we concern, their theories and ideology coincidently contribute to the development of medical theories. Not to be forgotten the contribution of Muslim scientist nowadays is the achievement as Muslim ummah will encourage youth generation in achieving their ambition as well as bringing the uphold name ofMuslim throughout the wo
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